Me taking a cold new year sea dive

Me taking a cold new year sea dive

In the modern world we are conditioned from weather influences. Its full of comfort like electric blankets, hot showers, central heating. This is making the human species weaker. So the question is, who is training themselves and taking cold showers? A strong human needs cold showers. No you won’t die. I have taken the training myself and failed for a little bit after 4 months taking cold showers only. The inspiration for me came from “The Iceman”.

Wim Hof is not some kind of a genetic freak which is able to submerge himself in freezing cold water and doesn’t die. I highly recommend the book “What Doesn’t Kill Us: How Freezing Water, Extreme Altitude, and Environmental Conditioning Will Renew Our Lost Evolutionary Strength” by Scott Carney.

So next time you feel bad about yourself, get yourself pumped and turn the shower knob to the most cold you can get. Its not a “this is a nice and stay forever” feeling, but its all about the results and get your mind and body connected. It took me approximate two weeks to get used to the morning ritual by shocking myself with a burst of the ice-cold water. And yes you can get used to it and even like the cold shower. It even felt weird trying a hot shower which didn’t gave me the adrenaline rush I needed to start my day.

I’m just sharing this experience, its just to let the world know we are conditioned in many ways. Just make your own choices.